The Ultimate Guide to Destination Marketing Videos - 15 Tips


Welcome to Bryant Media Group's latest blog, which is our ultimate guide to destination marketing. Destination marketing, when done correctly, is an efficient marketing approach that is particularly beneficial to national dn regional tourism boards and hospitality providers, looking to increase visibility and carve out a space in the market. In this post, we will share fifteen expert tips to help you understand how to market your destination with content, video and specific tactics, which will drive engagement and attract more visitors. So, grab a seat and let us dive in!

What are the best destination marketing tips

1. Understanding the importance of videos and films

In the current day and age, videos are being used more and more on social media and the internet. Video or video making is one of the most engaging ways to communicate the message to your customers. Therefore, marketing and promotional videos are an important way to build and reach your target audience; this is why all companies should think about creating their own videos and promotional films to use across this platform to bring in new business.

2. Defining your target audience and identifying their interest and preference

Before making your videos and films, you need to understand your target audience and, most essentially, where they hang out online, which platforms they use on social media and what they are interested in seeing. This information informs your video marketing strategy and will allow you to create videos and films which most effectively talk to the interest and preferences of your target audience.

3. Develop a concept and a storyboard for your destination marketing video

It is important to tell an exciting story to your audience and make sure that you show them all the essential areas, destinations, locations, and stories within your destination. The story should include the different experiences available in a country, and a storyboard will help you organise those experiences into a reasonable timeline for the viewer. All films and TV shows follow this same principle of storyboarding as it is an exciting and existing visual story for the viewers to watch. Destination marketing must ensure to have a different storyline and narratives behind them.

4. Choosing suitable filming locations and scouting for the best angles and lighting 

For destination marketing, it is crucial for you to each location which is going to be included in your video and also have a plan about which angles are best to show that location; this might be ariel, from the ground, from a boat or a raised platform so that each location can have different angles and different angles at other times of the day; so this would help you then go ahead to plan what day you are supposed to be in a particular location and also what equipment and cameras you need to take with you to capture the right angle, a production company can help you plan this to ensure that you show each destination to its best of its ability and show all the essential features at the right time of day when tourist would want to visit.

5. Selecting the right music and sound effect to enhance the emotional impact of the video

Music plays a crucial role in video and film's look, feel, and emotional side. Picking the right music is essential so that the images appear well to your target audience. You may want to create a variety of selected films or different cuts of each film for other age groups; for example, the young age group might want to have existing upbeat music, and the older age group might appreciate tactical music or something more mature sounding. Depending on the target audience and the shot in your video, music sound effects would significantly impact that. Also, with destination marketing, sound effects can be essential. An example is an excellent sound effect of a jungle or forest; this would have images or scenes of a video of an island as well waves crashing on a beach for a view of a beach scene.

6. Film techniques and equipment for destination marketing videos, including drones and steady cameras.

For destinations, it's all about the locations and settings of the country, town, or city being shown. Therefore, using an Ariel image and different cameras would benefit the end videos. Drones and ariel views are used a lot more recently, and they are at the forefront of possible media production, which is why it is a good recommendation for clients to use a lot of drone shots and ariels to display the beauty of the location through the destination films.

7. Hiring a professional video production company or doing it yourself

There are two options to pick from; it is highly recommended that we select a video production company because they understand the target market, give the storyboard a good video and know how to make the video seen by millions of people. In addition, a video production company would add professionalism, high-quality footage and a team that would deliver and a team that has experience within your sector so that they know what the audience is looking to see. These days, it is possible to produce films/videos in-house, which is an essential part of the marketing mix. However, it is advisable to seek professional advice from a production company whereby you can train some of your staff on how to shoot their own videos in-house. Many companies now hire video production companies to work in-house, which is a viable option worth exploring.

8. Voiceover Narration

This area is vital for you to get the full story of the video. A narration can add context to the images and talk you through the storyline. YouTube videos these days use a lot of narrative and storytelling TV and documentaries. The concept is agreeably old and works very well, so always do a voiceover narrative. You may also want to do a narrative voiceover in different languages depending on where your target audience travels to/from.

9. Editing and post-production techniques to enhance the visual and emotional appeal of your video

It is essential to use new styles of video editing, graphic titles, and other visual aids to add to the appeal of your video. This can also include maps and locations popping up on the screen. With these techniques, a video company can help add colour and context to your video.

10. Create a compelling call to action at the end of your video

Every video should end with a call to action for the viewer to take a required or desired action, which could be "(visit our website to find out more or email us if you have any questions, or it could check out our social media channels to follow along with our story or also subscribe to our YouTube channel or fill out these form for more questions or even signup to our newsletter)". A call to action will finish the video and remind viewers of the next best thing to do.

11. Maximising the reach and engagement of your destination marketing video through social media and other marketing channels

Here, the foremost thing is to get your video seen. You could have the best video in the world; however, it wastes investment, time and money if no one sees it. Therefore, working with a production company that also understands video marketing, such as (insert link for Bryant media group), will enable you to ensure these videos are distributed on social media and seen by as many people as possible. This is a crucial step that many companies need to think through properly, leading to their videos not getting to the right audience.

12. Analysing the performance of your destination marketing video and making data-driven improvement

It is imperative to look at the analytics and data of your videos launched to see how the videos are performing, who is watching them, how long they are watching them for, and at what point in the video they are potentially clicking off or ending the viewing session. This also allows you to see which videos and images are performing the best then you can focus on promoting those videos more widely.

13. Collaborating with influencers and brand ambassadors to promote your destination marketing videos.

These days working with influencers who have large social media followers can help boost and distribute your videos; it can also help you create original content by allowing them to make their content about your destination; once they share this on their social media pages, their followers would want to patronise the brand because of their influence and trust. So this is a fundamental and powerful technique to use in today's marketing.

14. Creating video content for different stages of the customer's journey, including inspiration, planning, and booking

Customers will find your videos at different stages of their journey. They may be looking for ideas of places to go, or they may have decided to come to your destination and pick in-between different hotels or specific experiences to do while they are there. This means that it is vital for you to have other video ideas to shoot at different stages. People just looking for destinations or comparing two various destinations must be sure to put out all the best things that can be done at these destinations. However, suppose the customer is ready to come to your destination, and they are choosing between two specific hotels. In that case, you should work with your hotel partners to ensure they have enough video marketing content to explain what is different about their hotel and how their guests choose between them and their competitors.

15. Best practice for creating destination marketing videos and promotional films that stands out and drive result.

This is a summary of all the points listed and explained above. If you have followed the above listed and ensured you have practised all of them in the planning and execution of your marketing video, then you will be sure to have a lot of success. The videos you create must be original, unique, and have a great storyline that people can get involved with. We recommend working with a video production company that understands social media marketing, like Bryant Media Group . We can help you create, shoot and distribute the videos so millions can see them of people

What is Destination Marketing 

Destination marketing is a marketing approach in the travel industry that involves promoting a specific location and its benefits instead of a company's product or service. 

Destination marketing aims to increase customer awareness of a specific destination so that they start thinking about visiting and to help them remember the location when they are ready to book a holiday. The idea is that potential customers will book a holiday to that destination through the company promoting it.

How can Destination Marketing Benefit Us

One of the critical benefits of destination marketing is that it tends to use an emotional hook to engage potential customers, which leads to much higher conversion rates. The whole approach is about selling the experience and benefits of a location by showing customers what their travel experience could be like if they visit, encouraging people to imagine a holiday there and planting a seed of intrigue in their minds.

Conclusion / Wrapping Up

Destination marketing is an essential part of the travel industry and is an approach used by everyone from large tourism companies to small travel brands. By focusing on the benefits and offering of a location instead of a specific holiday package or travel deal, businesses can build up more authority as an expert provider for a particular destination — also appealing to a broader audience with marketing content that inspires and engages instead of steamrolling with a hard sell.

Get in touch with Bryant media group to shoot, plan and distribute your destination marketing videos.


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